Friday, April 6, 2012

Red Hot Raffle Email

Dear Knight Nation,

In recent years, Assumption has done a great deal of renovating, including a new LED message center at the student entrance, replacing the floor in the cafeteria and kitchen, four new sets of exterior doors, raising the stage in the auditorium, and remodeling of the library, the girls’ and boys’ locker rooms, the convent, the Auxiliary Gym and replacement of the original large gym floor. 

Completion of these projects required a winning combination of support mechanisms, including grants, general fund and/or booster club support, private donations . . . and of course, funds from a successful April Knight. 

This year our focus is moving Assumption forward with technology.  Our current goal is to provide a laptop computer for every junior and senior next school year.  The reason for this initiative?  Our job is to prepare our student to compete in the workplace of tomorrow.  In order to do this they must have access to the tools that are required to be successful.  We cannot sit back and wait to provide this opportunity to our students. The time is now.

There is no better way to move toward our goal than to sell out of April Knight Raffle tickets. Historically, current parents and students have done an amazing job at taking the lead on raffle ticket sales.  If you haven’t sold any tickets yet, please do your best to sell two or three . . . and if you’ve already sold several, then be an overachiever by selling a couple more!   

Tomorrow is the Early Bird Drawing for our April Knight “Red Hot Raffle.” If you have tickets to turn in at this time, we would like to have them by noon tomorrow.  

Even after the Early Bird has passed, we are more than happy to accept sold tickets up through the evening of April Knight, or until 1500 tickets are sold, whichever comes first.  Please lend a hand - download a ticket here or contact Susie Foster at or 563.326.5313 x 281 with questions.

Thank you for your continued support of Assumption High School!   

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