Friday, April 6, 2012

Tech Coordinators Meeting

Technology Coordinators meeting
Assumption High School 

        I.          Printing
a.      How do schools police printing?  Overall it is just a problem, librarian polices in some cases.  Teachers sometimes print too much.  Schools teach how to copy and paste and then print.  Kids have to get permission before pressing print.  Possible charging people, there would be backlash.   Requiring students to have flash drives, requiring teachers to accept work via email or online drop box.    Printers in rooms.  Access to color printers.

       II.          AUP
a.      Separate computer use agreement from AUP.  Students and staff lumped into one.    Keep agreements separate. Update language to fit with current and future technological developments.  JFK and Assumption will forward out their revised AUPs. 
     III.          Kindles and Nooks
a.      3G/4G questions.  What do you do about kid’s access to outside wireless?  Some schools attempt to limit access to these.  Questions about how to enforce this.  Some schools have a waiver that parents sign that allows students to access 3G during the school day.  Questions limiting access in schools.    

     IV.          Technology Curriculum
a.      Do schools have a set list or objectives?  Most schools do not have a set curriculum.  Need to make things consistent.  What do they have to know be the time they leave our schools?  There is a component of typing in the Iowa core.  Some teachers are teaching typing some are not.  Lourdes has them type 15 minutes a day for five weeks.  Is there any initiatives to teach typing by the time they graduate?  Not currently.  Schools use Type to Learn or Dancemat typing.  We will look online to find out if there is good information.  Do we need to purchase curriculum?   Probably not.  We could come up with standards that students need to know by the time they hit 8th grade?
Set some type of curriculum of what they need to know.    We also need to look at cyber bullying curriculum.

       V.          Blogs & Wikis
a.      Introduction of social media to the kids.  How do we monitor the use of these?  Assumption may have, but will check.  

     VI.          Future Technology Initiatives
a.      St. Paul iPads K-2.  All teachers have up through 5th.  Lourdes is doing the same thing.  Casper for management.  Schools are exploring this.  JFK plan is 3 tablets through title I.  Plan is to get something possible Android.  Textbooks are a problem with tablets.  All Saint – purchased 20 iPads.  Using them preschool through 2nd.  

   VII.          Other topics

  VIII.          Next Meeting Date

a.      May 9, 2012


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